One of my husband’s great great grandfathers was John Way (1835-1911).

When he died on 11 June 1911, in Parkes, New South Wales, John Way was buried in  Parkes cemetery with his wife and son. His gravestone noted the death of his grandson Leslie Leister, killed World War 1.

The local paper, recording John Way’s death, provided a  brief obituary.

John Way obituary

MR. JOHN WAY. (1911, June 16). Western Champion (Parkes, NSW : 1898 – 1934), p. 16. Retrieved December 4, 2017, from


Sadly, the headstone of John Way’s grave was broken in two by vandals in 2010 (after this photo was taken).

Because the marble is too soft and hollow to drill and pin, it could not be completely restored.

As a community service, J.T. Cock & Sons, a Parkes monumental masonry firm, repaired the headstone as best they could, picking it up off the ground and laying it flat. Unfortunately, some of the lead lettering, fractured in the damage, has come away, making the inscription harder to read.

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